DX DX DX ,  IOTA  ,  QTC  . . .

     3V8SS by GMODHZ for a 5 week (until 24.12.2007) holiday-style operation with
     activity on 80-10 meters and possibly 160 m,CW and SSB. QSL info on QRZ.com.

     Zbig, SP7BTB is QRV as 9L1BTB while on a UN mission here.             QSL to home call.

     A7/GOMKT by NM7H (aka GOMKT and YI9WF) QRV until 5.jan.2008.Activity will be
     primarily CW with some PSK and some SSB on 40-10 meters. He may even be
     on 6 meters if the band opens up.                                        QSL via NM7H.

     Members of the Radio Club Provincial Valparaiso are QRV as CE0ZAA until December 17.
     Activity is on the HF bands, including 6 and 2 meters, using CW, SSB and digital modes.
                                                            QSL via operators' instructions.
     CT3EE will be QRV from 22.12 to 28.12 with a special callsign  CT9EPC for the EPC
     (European PSK Club) members on Madeira Island. Activity will be mainly on 40/20 meters
     because of propagation. The callsign CT9EPC is used only on the Digital modes, and the
     main objective is to have more activity on these modes.
                                    QSL direct to CT3EE (see QRZ.com) and not to the Bureau.
                                 (he is not a member of the Portuguese National QSL Bureau).

     Steve,OM3JW, Mike,OM2DX, Rudi,OM3PC, and Miro,OM5RW, will be active as E4/OM2DX from
     Dec 14-22. Palestine is ranking 26th on the most wanted DXCC list, no wonder since it
     has not been activated for eight years. The preparations for this project occupied
     about one year which is the same time they waited for their license. The crew will be
     active with two stations simultaneously in CW/SSB/RTTY on all bands from 160-10m.
     Updates and an online log are at: http://www.om2dx.com           QSL via OM3JW.

     Masa,JA6GXK, is hitting the airwaves as JD1BMM from Marcus Island from Dec 12-27.
     He is going to use a brand new FT 2000D and plans to work especially on the lowbands
     (160/80/40m) with verticals and dipoles. Masa is on a work assignment there but will
     try to show up on the bands as much as possible. Masa prefers QSLs via the JARL bureau,
     direct mail should be sent to: Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki,
     Chuo-ku, Chiba, 260-0806, Japan.
     For return postage please include only IRCs and no money bills.
     JD1BMM plans another stay on Marcus Island in February/March 2008.
     Santa Claus Land (OH9SCL) will be active in December from the Artic Circle.
     Activity will be on 10-160 metre CW, SSB and digital modes. Among others, Santa's
     helpers will include Rami OH3BHL,Erkin OH9KL,Kimmo OH9MDV,Juha OH9MM and Aaro OH9RJ.
                                                                      QSL via OH9UV.
     Mika, OH2FFP, is a team leader on an expedition from Finland to the Antarctica with 11
     members heading to the Aboa Scientific Base located on Queen Maud land (73В°03'S, 13В°25'W)
     near the Swedish, Norwegian and German bases. By the time you read this, the team should
     be there, and Mika could be active on the air using the very rare callsign OJ1ABOA.
     Mika will answer QSLs when they return in three months. The base has several transceivers.
     Mika plans to use 1 KW to a twin dipole for 40 and 20 meters on a 15 meter tall tower.
     By the way, Mika is fairly new to amateur radio and has no experience with operating
     or certainly with pileups, but he is an expert on survival in extreme conditions -
     which may help on the air!    He has written two books on extreme conditions survival.
                                                      Mika,OH2FFP, is also the QSL manager.

     S05A Showed up on 20m SSB today ( 13.dec.2007) @ 13z.                    QSL via EA1BT.

P4   ARUBA  SA-036
    -QRV P40TA  by  Ken, K6TA until 18.12.2007 .
    -Marty,W2CG, is spending his radio holidays on Aruba (SA-036) from Dec 17-31. He will
     use the call P40CG in SSB/CW on 80-10m and to please his wife he will limit his
     operating hours to the early morning and late evening hours (local time). QSL via W2CG.

     Jerry,PJ2/WB9Z, will be QRV from Signal Point/Curacao (SA-006, LH-0942) from Dec 12-25.
     This is a holiday with radio but Jerry will try to be active on all bands.
                                                                               QSL via WB9Z.
T8   PALAU  OC-009
     OM Yutaka,JQ2GYU (T88YU), his XYL Mihoko,JJ2VLY (T88LY), and their 13 year old son
     Koki,JE1PGS (T88GS), will stay on Palau (OC-009) from Dec 17-22. They will be QRV in
     CW/SSB on 6-80m during their morning and evening hours.
                                     QSL cards should be sent via bureau to their homecalls.

     Siggi is QRV as TF3CW and is generally active on 160 meters CW around 2000 to 0000z daily.
                                                                              QSL via LX1NO.
     Roland, F8EN is QRV as TR8CR from Libreville until January 12.Activity is mostly on 20
     meters. Listen for him mainly on 14005, 14125 and 14200 kHz. He may try to take a
     short trip to an island in the AF-043 IOTA group. 
                                                                              QSL via F6AJA.
     V55SRT has been active on 17 meters using RTTY around 2035z.            QSL via IZ8EDJ.
   --Frank, V51AS will be QRV on 1826 kHz @V51WM on 22/23 December.

     Burk is QRV as V8FZA has been active on 17 meters between 1000 and 1200z.QSL via DL3KZA.

     Raul, LU1ZA is usually QRV from this club station on 40 meters during the weekends
     around 2200 to 2300z.

     Jim,ND9M, arrives on Diego Garcia (AF-006) on Dec 12 and will be on the air again as
     VQ9JC for about four months until his ship is leaving the island. Usually Jim is QRV
     before 1200 UTC, sundays till thursdays he has to go QRT at 1630 UTC latest, fridays
     and saturdays one hour later. He is working on 10-80m about 85% in CW, 10% in SSB and
     5% in digital modes. When Jim is still staying on Diego Garcia by the end of March
     he will try to become active as VQ97JC in the WPX Contest.           
     QSL via ND9M (ex-WB9IHH); either by the bureau or direct is OK. Jim's XYL will forward
     direct requests to him every three weeks or so, but mail typically takes about two weeks
     to get to the island once she mails it.

     Специалната станция YE2IPY  ще бъде активна на всички обхвати и всички видове работа
     до ноември 2008 по случай Международната полярна година 2007-08.       QSL via YB2TJV.
     Michael is QRV as XT2WC and is here until January 5. He is generally active on 20 meters
     between 0800 to 1000z.                                                  QSL via F1IQH.
Island activities:

AF-004  Tenerife
     Jean, ON5JV, и Georgette, ON6AK, ще работят като EA8/ON5JV и EA8/ON6AK от
     Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife (AF-004),от 28 ноември до 26 януари 2008.QRV основно
     на 20 и 40 м вечер.                                      QSL via home calls, via buro.

     Jacques, F1BCS is QRV as 3B8/F1BCS until December 24. Activity is on 40, 20, 15 and
     10 meters using SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and JT65. This includes lighthouse activity from
     ARLHS MAT-004.                                                        QSL to home call.
EU-070  Levant Island
      Christian, F8HJV, will be active from the Levant Island (DIFM ME-012 and WLOTA 1083)
      near the Napoleon Fort until December 22nd. Activity will be mainly on the HF bands
      on SSB. He was heard this past weekend on 40 meters. This operation will count for
      the French Forts and Castles Award (Reference DFCF 83117).           QSL via homecall.

NA-009 Resolute Island 
      Hisato, JA1DOT will be QRV as VY0/JA1DOT from Resolute Island, IOTA NA-009, in
      Nunavut Territory from December 18 to 27.Activity will be mainly on the low bands
      using CW, SSB and RTTY.                                             QSL to home call.

OC-046  Windward Islands:
     F5IRO is momentarily working from Tahiti signing FO5RU until the mid
     of January 2008.                                                         QSL via F5CQ.
     See also: http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm

OC-142  Great Keppel Island
     GOUIH will be QRV as VK2IAY/4 from Great Keppel Island  between 16 - 22 December.  
     The main operation will be centered around 14260 kHz, but with some possibility of
     15/17 meters operations. His equipment will be an IC-706MK2G with homebrew wire dipoles.
     Check out the website for further details at http://www.percy.me.uk/
                                                         QSL either direct or by the bureau.

SA-006  Signal Point, Curacao,
     PJ2/WB9Z will be QRV between 12 and 25 December from Signal Point, Curacao, WLOTA
     LH-0942. Activity will be holiday style on all bands.        QSL via his home callsign.

SA-027 Sao Francisco do Sul
     Bone, PP5VX is QRV from Sao Francisco do Sul, IOTA SA-027, in the Santa Catarina State
     North Group,until December 31,2010.Activity is on all bands and modes.QSL to home call.
Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
F8HJV/p   LH 1083  FRA-504       - Dec 22.2007
3B8/F1BCS LH 0595  MAT 004        -Dec 24.2007
PJ2/WB9Z  LH 0942                 -dec 25.2007
CU2/G7VJR LH 2016            Dec 26-Jan 3.2008
EA8/ON5JV LH 1276                 -Jan 31.2008 
EA8/ON6AK LH 1276                 -Jan 31.2008   
OC1I      LH 1521  PER-053   02.01.-07.01.2008
ZF2XD     LH 1042            06.01.-11.02.2008
CT3MD     LH 3365                     resident
9A4W      LH 0416  CRO-129            resident
CU3EQ     LH 0542  AZO-022            resident      

     Callsigns with a single letter suffix (OH1A etc.) are issued to Finnish clubstations
     since 2005. Starting with Jan 2 these calls can be applied for also by individuals.
     Callsigns are now issued also with the new prefix OG. These calls are valid for five
     years and may be extended later.

     John, K9EL, CQ's Program Manager for the CQ DX Marathon, reports: "Just a few weeks
     left to the end of the second annual CQ Magazine DX Marathon!
     Each year from January 1st to December 31st, CQ Magazine sponsors a challenge to work
     as many countries and zones as possible in the calendar year. This year's edition ends
     soon, but there is still time to fill in some missing countries and zones.
     Remember that for 2007, the WARC bands are permitted. For complete rules and submission
     information, please see our Web site at:   http://www.dxmarathon.com
     Good luck and see you on the bands! 73, John, K9EL"

     Pit, YO3JW, informs that starting December 6th (2007) YO stations can use frequencies
     7.100 to 7.200 MHz.

After a lapse of nearly five years, the call 3D2AG/p will be activated from the small isolated
island of Rotuma (OC-060) in December 2007 by Antoine, also known as FO5RK.
The expedition is planned to start on December 15, and last until January 20 or so, depending
on transportation schedules.
Antoine will leave for Rotuma from Suva, Fiji via an inter-island shipping vessel, which takes
48 hours to reach the isolated island some 500 km to the northwest.
There is no mains electricity supply or adequate supplies of fuel or any other commodities on
the island, so all necessary items will need to be taken by boat. The equipment for this
expedition will consist of the following:
Rig: ICOM IC-706MKII, 100 Watts (no linear).
Antenna: 20-10 m (including WARC bands): Spiderbeam 5-band (kindly donated by Con, DF4SA);
80-30 m: Inverted-V. This will be the first time that a Spiderbeam antenna activates this DXCC entity.
Power supply: 120 a/h battery charged by three solar panels; supplemented if possible by
generator-derived electricity (if adequate fuel and oil is available).
Modes / Bands: CW / SSB, 80-10 m6 m if openings.
Frequencies: usual DX frequencies +/- QRM; split if needed. We listen for QRP signals!
QSL Route: via 3D2AG / FO5RK in QRZ.com (c/o Sam TOROPE Box 3040 Noumea, 98846, New-Caledonia),
Direct Only please with adequate Airmail SASE (1 valid [not antique or collector’s item!] IRC
or 2 green stamps minimum first-class postage). Please put your country and ‘Airmail’ label on
the envelope; self-adhesive types are preferred. Requests without adequate return envelopes will
be delayed.
QSL cards: nice color panoramic cards for this expedition are being produced by UX5UO.
Logs: Online logs will appear on this website after the operation.
Email: fo5rk@ hotmail.com (for information, comments, queries, etc). Please note that there will
be NO email possibilities during the expedition itself.
Donations towards the expedition logistics (both in kind or monetary) are welcome and will be
duly ackowledged on QSL cards. Please contact at the above address.
Operating schedule: This being a single-operator expedition, the station cannot be activated all
the time, especially if on battery power. However, depending on propagation the best bands / times
will be selected, with priority on combinations favouring the most QSOs in a wide area in
the time available. For reasons of power conservation, there will be no 160m operation; digital
modes (PSK / MFSK/ RTTY) will depend on the availability of power to run the portable computer.
Please note that during DX operations QSOs will be limited to call / signal report exchanges;
there will be time for ragchewing later when propagation changes. In pileups, please LISTEN
carefully for split frequency and call area rosters, and do not call upon other stations.
Discipline is the key for orderly and good QSOs which are 100% in the log. From past experience,
the following bands / time slots are useful starting points from Rotuma:
EUROPE: 0400-0700 UTC 20m longpath
        0600-1200 UTC 40m / 30m
        0800-1200 UTC 15m shortpath
        1800-2000 UTC 20m shortpat
3D2AG/p will be looking forward to have you in the log for a ‘new one’ from Rotuma!
VY 73, Antoine

We present the international lakes award. This award is destined to
promote contacts with lakes around the world.
The award is guided true this rules:
All stations contacted should be terrestrial with the name of the lake and reference
number CLEARLY printed. Contacts with boats, aircraft and via repeaters are excluded.
The activation of a LAKE will not be accepted if there has not been a MINIMUM OF 100
CONTACTS MADE DURING THE 1st ACTIVATION in this and only this case a copy of the
log should be sent to the Award manager via e-mail no more than 2 months after the
Operations are valid only after September 15, 2007.
The operators should answer to all buro or direct QSL, at any time.
It is necessary to present a list/log signed by the applicant with 100 lakes or more
confirmed with QSL from 10 different DXCC entities. You don’t need to send the QSL’s
to apply for the award but you must get them because the award manager can ask you
for anyone. Afterwards it is possible to obtain tickets raising the value of the diploma
by groups of 50 lakes.
FREE, yes all the awards will send only via e-mail, as a JPG file.
We don’t want to have a big list of inactivated lakes, so we have not any initial
directory. On the award web page we will have a list of references already activated.
Any activator must request via e-mail the reference (new reference) for the award if he
not found the lake that he wants to active on the next future.
The data you must supply for a new reference:
- Name of the lake.
- Country where is located de lake.
- Nearest city, province, state, department, etc.
- Probably date of activation
- GPS position if its possible.
All references are the DXCC entity prefix more a serial number, (by example, EA-001
would be the first referenced lake in Spain).
Only are valid not salt lakes. We accept as a valid lake all the lakes, dams, marsh that
we can found on a geographical map (as google maps, google earth, etc). We cannot
accept lakes with less than 10 meters diameter.
A possible definition: a body of water of considerable size contained on a body of land.
Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for hydro-electric power supply,
recreational purposes, industrial use, agricultural use, or domestic water supply.
For all questions, to ask for new references, etc:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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