DX DX , IOTA , DX експедиции ,QTC ...
     Strange Radio Team members IZ0BTV and F5VKV will be QRV as 3A/IZ0BTV and 3A/F5VKV, respectively, beginning November 3.
     Activity will be on 160, 80 and 40 meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK.
        Специалният инициал 4U1WRC ще се използва от радиоклубът на ITU (4U1ITU),послучай провеждането на WARC-2007 от
        22 октомври до 16 ноември.
5X  UGANDA    Arik, EK6DO (ex YI/EK6DO и 5H3AA), в момента работи с инициал 5X1AB от Кампала, Уганда.       QSL via K6EID.
        Jovica, T98A (ex 9K2/T94FC, ST0RM, ST2A, T94FC) ще е в Сенегал следващите две години.
        Той е 6W1SJ и работи активно на CW и SSB,също така ще може да го намерите и на цифровите видове.     QSL via T93Y.
       Operator Yoshiaki, JA1OCZ, a member of 9M4SDX team, will be active as 9M4DXX from Penang, November 7-12th.
       Activity will be on 80-10 meters, CW, SSB and FM. Yoshiaki will be trying to make an effort in the JIDX Contest.
                                                                                                           QSL via JA1OCZ.
    -- John, VE7BDI is QRV as A7/M0FZQ from Doha.He is normally active on 40 meters using CW between 0000 and 0200z.
                                                                                                               QSL direct.
    -- Bill,NM7H (aka G0MKT, YI9WF), is active as A7/G0MKT mainly in CW on HF (40-6m) from Nov 1 until Jan 5, 2008.
       But Bill will work also in  PSK and SSB from time to time.                      QSLs direct or via bureau via NM7H.
     Members of the Hungarian Traveling Amateur Radio Team, HA0HW, HA4DX and HA4XG, will be QRV as HB0/homecalls from
     Masescha from November 6 to 14. Activity will be on all HF bands, with an emphasis on 160 and 80 meters, and possibly
     2 meters, using CW, SSB and some digital modes.                                                     QSL to home calls.
     Michelle, IK5ZUI is QRV as HI9/IK5ZUI from Las Terrenas. His length of stay is unknown.
                                                                                           QSL via operator's instructions.
       Специалната станция HS35SEA ще бъде активна от 8 до 11 ноември по случай провеждането на 35-та коференция на SEANET
       която ще се проведе в Lampang. Пълна информация на адрес :  http://www.sabah.net.my/seanet/seanet_2007.htm
     The special event station IY1EY will be QRV in CW/SSB/RTTY on all bands from Nov 3-11. This shall remember the radio
     experiments which made Marconi on the ship "Elettra" in the Ligurian Sea from 1919-1936.
     These QSOs are good for the the "Loano Elettra Award".                   Special QSL cards will be managed by IK1QBT.
     Operators DL5HAQ, DK6HA and DL3HBZ are QRV as J75/DK0RZ until November 17.                              QSL via DK0RZ.
KH3   Johnston atoll
       Susan, W7KFI,ще се опита да се добере до атола Johnston (OC-023), със своята яхта "Dahrma" през първата седмица
       на ноември и да се появи от там на HF. Ako успее ще  работи с инициал KH3/W7KFI и най-предпочитаните честоти са:
       14.036 and 14.236 MHz.                                                                         QSL manager is K6FAF.
     До 30 ноември 2007 год. LZ1KZA ще работи с инициал LZ195IR.QSO с тази станция дава 10 точки за дипломата
     "Преподобни Теодосий Търновски".                              Подрбности четете на :  http://www.balkanclub.8m.com

    -- Операторите от секцията на VERON Noord en Midden Limburg ще бъдат активни с инициал PA60LIM  до 11 ноеври по случай
       60 години на секцията.                                                                               QSL via PE1NCP.
    -- The clubstation PI4NAF will use the special callsign PA20NARAS on HF and VHF celebrating the 20th anniversary of
       the "Airforce Radio  Amateur Society" (NAFRAS) from Nov 3-19.                                        QSL via PA1TT.
       John, KE6GFF, за трети път ще бъде в Афганистан и ще работи от Кабул с инициал T6EE  до 12 ноември.
                                                                                                QSL via his home callsign.
       Ben, OZ5AAH/OZ5IPA, ще е QRV на SSB и CW с инициал  UT/OZ5IPA от Борисполя (Киев) за времето   до 7 ноември.
       С този инициал ще вземе учстие и в International Police Association's Contest (3-4 ноември).
                                                                                                  QSL direct via home call.
      Operators Ronald/PA3EWP, Flo/F5CWU and Tom/GM4FDM are planning a DXpedition to here between November 4-18th.
      Callsigns are as follows:
                               PA3EWP  as    V8FWP       QSL via PA7FM
                               F5CWU   as    V8FWU       QSL via F5CWU
                               GM4FDM  as    V8FDM       QSL via GM4FDM
      Activity will be on all bands from 160-10 meters, conditions permitting. Modes of operations will be on CW, SSB
      and RTTY. Special attention will be given to the lower bands (160-30m). Also, special attention will be given to
      Western Europe and the USA. They plan to use at least one beam antenna along with verticals and dipoles.
      All operators have plenty of experience during DXpedition operation. Depending on InterNet availability,
      they shall try to maintain online logs at a Web site yet to be established. The Web master will be Dennis, PA7FM, 
Island activities:
AF-004  Tenerife Island  
         EA8ARG, EA8AY  and  EA8BFH  will be  active  as  EG8FDA  from  Anaga Lighthouse on Tenerife Island (AF-004)
         on 10-11 November. They  plan to operate on the HF bands  as well as  on 6 and  2 metres.          QSL  via EA8NQ. 
AF-049  Mauritius Island  
         As a member of the SK7DX Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs (SSRA) and the Lake Wettern DX Group (LWDXG) I will
         activate Mauritius Island Nov. 8th to Nov. 24th 2007. Operator will be SM7DKF / Ronnie. Look for my call
         3B8/SM7DKF to be active on the usual IOTA frequencies mostly SSB and perhaps also digital mode.
AS-186  Arwad Island  SYRIA 
       A team of nine Greek operators will be QRV as YK9SV from Arwad Island, IOTA AS-186, from November 1 to 12.
       Activity will be on all HF bands, including 6 meters, with 2 to 3 stations operating around the clock, using CW, SSB,
       RTTY and PSK31.More information can be found at: http://www.raag.org/arwad                          QSL via SV1JG.
AS-013  Dhonveli isl.   MALDIVES
        Claudio, HB9OAU, съобщава, че ще е активен с инициал 8Q7AU от о-в Dhonveli (AS-013), до 10 ноември.
EU-145  Culatra  Island     
       Adolfo, EA7TV  will  be active  as  CT/EA7TV/P from  Culatra Isl (EU-145, AL-001 for the Portuguese Islands Award)
       on 8-11  November.He plans to operate on 10-40  metres.                                         QSL via  home call.
EU-171  Vendsyssel isl.    
       Klaus, DK9LO, ще работи с инициал OZ/DK9LO от о-в Vendsyssel-Thy/Nordjylland (EU-171) от 3 до 16 ноември.
                                                                                                        QSL via home call.
EU-174  Thassos 
       Gyuszi/HA2VR, Laci/HA6NL (J48NL), Zsolt/HA6PS (J48PS), Tibor/HA6ZV, Al/HA7JJS (J48JJ) и Laci/HA7PL (J48PL) ще са
       активни като J48RT, SV8/homecall  от о-в Thassos (EU-174) до 8 ноември.Те ще работят на HF обхватите , на 6 и 2 метра
       на CW, SSB, PSK31, MS и JT6M.Ще работят и в HA QRP Contest (1-7 ноември).                        QSL J48RT via HA6NL.
NA-022 Anguilla isl. 
       Andy, DL5CW, и Marina, DM5YL, ще бъдат QRV от Anguilla isl.(NA-022) от 8 до 26 ноември, като смятат да вземат
       участие и в  CQ WW DX CW Contest.Предполагат да използват инициалите VP2EDL и VP2EDM , като ще работят  основно на
       CW (Andy) и на RTTY/PSK31 (Marina) на всички  HF обхвати.                                        QSL via home calls.
OC-203  Stewart Island, NEW ZEALAND
    Steve, G4EDG will be QRV as ZL4/G4EDG from Stewart Island, IOTA OC-203, from November 5 to 7. He may have his own ZL
    callsign by the time the operation takes place. Activity will be on 40 to 17 meters using only CW.
                                                                                                   QSL direct to home call.
       Ulli, DL2AH, ще бъде активен ot о-в Norfolk с инициал VK9ANH до 14 ноември.                       QSL to home call.
       Willy,ON5AX, and his XYL Magda,ON3AX, are travelling the South Pacific Ocean between Oct 17 and Dec 14.
       They will be QRV in CW/SSB/PSK on 40m/30m/20m. 
       This is their travelling schedule:
       5W0AX       Samoa (OC-097) Oct 17-22
       KH8/ON5AX   US-Samoa       Oct 24-29
       A35AX       Tonga          Nov 2-14
       ZL/ON5AX    New Zealand     Nov 16-Dec 14
        Andrea, IK1PMR, и Claudia, IZ1GLO/K2LEO, ще пътуват из Южна Америка от началото на ноември до декември.Те планират
        да участват в големите CW/RTTY контести , провеждани в този период.През другото време ще са QRV на CW/RTTY на WARC
        и на НЧ обхватите. Ориентировъчният им график е:
                           10-11 ноември - WAE RTTY: CW2C (multi) или K2LEO/CX & IK1PMR/CX
                           17-18 ноември - LZ DX:     IK1PMR/LU & K2LEO/LU 
                           24-25 ноември - CQWW CW:   ZP0R (IK1PMR);  ZP6/IZ1GLO (RTTY)
                            1-2 декември - ARRL 160m: ZP0R (IK1PMR);  TARA RTTY: ZP6/IZ1GLO
                            8-9 декември - ARRL 10m:  CW2C (multi) или IK1PMR/CX & K2LEO/CX
        Свежа информация може да следите на http://www.ik1pmr.com
E51  South Cook Islands
    Ham Radio DXpedition to the South Cook Islands by George, K5KG [E51MMM], and Ron, KK9K, [E51NNN], from 12 November
    to 1 December, 2007. Our operation will be on all HF bands, primarily on CW and some SSB. We will concentrate as much
    as possible on 160m and 80m. We will also operate Multi-Two in the CQWW CW Contest, November 24-25.
    Pekka, OH2YY will be active as FR/OH2YY from Reunion Island (AF-016) on 12-15 November and as 3B8/OH2YY from
    Mauritius Island (AF-049) on 16-22 November. He plans to operate SSB  on 40-10 metres with 100 watts  and
    vertical/dipole antennas.                                                          QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
        XF4 - Socorro Island, Revillagigedo
        The next DXpedition to Socorro Island, Revillagigedo (XF4) will take place between Nov 15th and Dec 15th.
        This operation will use several calls - XF4YK, XF4YW and 6E4LM. The latter is in commemoration
        of the 75th anniversary of the Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores (FMRE). Team members include XE1YK,
        Carlos Levy (team leader); XE2YW, Eduardo Martinez; XE1VVD, Manuel Garcia; and XE3RBA, Juan Daniel Baraggia.
        Supporting them from the homeland will be pilot stations XE1J, Jose Levy and XE1GRR, Rafael "Tony" Gomez.
        The team has a Web site at www.6e4lm.xedx.org, which includes equipment, antennas, suggested frequencies, photos,
        on-line log search and more.                                          QSL XF4YK via XE1YK   QSL XF4YW via XE2YW.
       Members of the VooDoo Contest Group have announced that its project for CQ World Wide DX CW Contest  will be
       in 3X-land. This will be the group's 14th straight year operating from a different country in West Africa as
       a Multi-Multi category in the contest. Roger, G3SXW, in a press release states, "We will mount seven 1KW stations
       with monoband antennas for all six bands right beside the Atlantic Ocean in Conakry, the capital of Guinea.
       The callsign we have been allocated is 3XY5D. We still hope to secure a shorter call but this is now the most
       likely to be used in the contest.
       We also have a VHF licence for 2mtr EME: 3XT1 (3X tango one with no suffix).                 QSL 3XY5D via G3SXW."
       The team will also be active a few days before and after the contest. Operators mentioned are:
       Roger/G3SXW, Fred/G4BWP, John/G4IRN, Robbie/GM3YTS, Bob/K4UEE, Vince/ K5VT and Ned/AA7A. All logs will be uploaded
       to LoTW soon after their return home. Roger, G3SXW, states, "This is one of our more daring DX- peditions.
       We face the possible risk of civil unrest, washed-out roads and banditry, not to mention zero sunspots!
       We hope to C U in the contest!" For more details, visit:               http://www.voodoocontestgroup.com
TI9  Инициалът TI9K е даден да се използва от февруарската (2008) DX-експедиция на о-в Кокос (NA-012). Оператори ще са:
     Oscar/EA1DR, Carlos/EA1IR, Andy/DH8WR (EA2CRX), Baldur/DJ6SI, Norbert/DJ7JC, Guenter/DL2AWG, San/K5YY, Carlos/TI2KAC
     и Anthony W4OI (HK1AR).Техните планове са да работят от 6 до 15 февруари с 3-4 станции на обхватите от 160 до 10 м.
     Ще пробват работа и на обхватите 60 и 6 метра.Активно ще са на CW, SSB, RTTY и вероятно и на PSK31.
     Home page:http://www.ti9.eu.com                                                                       QSL via EA2CRX.
New French DXpedition to Guinea-Bissau
     The F6KOP Team has announced its 2008 DXpedition to Guinea-Bissau, on Bubaque Island. Great efforts are being made to
     assemble the best team ever for this major undertaking. The team intends to focus on the lower bands, 40m to 160m,
     given the state of the sunspot cycle.One of the DXpedition goals is to make the first two-way 160m J5-JA contact.
     Operations will be 24 hours per day, mainly, CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63 and MFSK16. J5C will count for the IOTA
     program as Bubaque Is, AF-020, World Lighthouses on the Air 1146, plus DXCC.         The QSL route will be via F5TVG.
     Full information on the DXpedition is on its official web site, www.J5C.eu.
QRP --->
    The QRP Contest Community  invites QRP enthusiasts to  participate in the 23rd  Original QRP Contest  (OQRPC), which
    will take  place on  20-30 December (from 15 UTC to 15  UTC) on the CW  portions of the  80, 40 and  20m bands.
    For  further information  please visit  http://www.qrpcc.de
New North America 10GHz distance record
    A new North America 10GHz distance record was set during the ARRL 10GHz and Up contest in August.
    WB6CWN, operating as 4C2WH in Puerto San Carlos, Mexico, worked AD6FP in Central California.
    The claimed distance is 1460km, or about 902 miles.

Additional information