Tony, 3D2AG is QRV as 3D2AG/p until the end of January.  He is generally active
     on 20 meters using mostly CW but with some SSB as well, and on 40 and 17 meters
     using CW.                                                                QSL via FO5RK.

     Petrus, ZS6GCM is QRV as 3Y0E probably until February 14, 2008. He is the medical
     officer with a five member research team on the island.  He is a newly licensed
     operator, with capabilities to be QRV on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters during his spare
     time only.                                                               QSL via LZ3HI.

     От 1 януари 2008 год. официалната валута на Република Кипър вместо кипърския фунт ще
     стане евро. По този случай членовете на  Cyprus Amateur Radio Society  в окръг  Pafos
     ще работят през цялата 2008 година със специалния инициал  C4EURO . Ще са активни на
     всички HF и VHF обхвати на SSB, CW и цифрови видове.                 QSL  via 5B4AGC.

     Pat, W8FV is QRV as 5H9PD from Mwanza until around January 12.  Activity is on 40
     to 10 meters using mostly CW.  He may try to be active on 80 meters.  He will also
     be active using PSK31.                                               QSL to home call.

     Ben, DL7UCX, will be active as 5Z4/DL7UCX from December 31st through January 12th.
     Activity will be on 160-17 meters, mainly on CW and a focus on the lower bands.
     This will be a holiday style operation using 400 watts into a 18m vertical.
                                                                            QSL via DL7UCX.
     Horst, DJ6OV will be QRV as 9H3HW during his holiday here from December 23.2007  to
     January 5.2008.                                                      QSL to home call.

     - Zbig, SP7BTB is QRV as 9L1BTB while on a UN mission here.           QSL to home call.
     - Norbert, 9L1FZ, is currently is active and has been heard 20 meters SSB.
     His transmitter varies with output using 60-100 watts (depends on battery voltage).
     His antenna system is a homemade loop 20'x60' with SGC automatic tuner, estimated
     10 ft. above ground (medium dry soil and rock), with tropical vegetation around
     and above.                     We were told the QSL info is via " This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ".

     A7/GOMKT by NM7H (aka GOMKT and YI9WF) QRV until 5.jan.2008.Activity will be
     primarily CW with some PSK and some SSB on 40-10 meters. He may even be
     on 6 meters if the band opens up.                                        QSL via NM7H.

     Joe is QRV as ET3JA and has been active on 17 meters SSB just before 1500.  He ha also
     been active on 20 meters SSB from around 1530 to 1800z.  He is here for about one year.
                                                                              QSL via OK3AA.
     Didier, F4ELJ, ще бъде активен от Мароко с инициал CN4MC от 27 декември до 3 януари.
     Планира да работи на обхватите от 80 до 10 метра на SSB.            QSL via home call.
     FJ/OH2AM is QRV from this new DXCC entity and has been active of late on 40, 20 and
     17 meters using CW and SSB.                                              QSL via OH2BN.

     Operators Flo, F5CWU, Sylvain, F4EGD and Terry, F5MOO are QRV as MJ/homecalls until
     January 6.  Tom, GM4FDM is QRV as GJ4FDM, also until January 6.  Activity is on the
     HF bands, including 2 meters.                                        QSL to home calls.

     Ако ви е необходим Тайланд на 80 м CW, може да потърсите Don HS0ZEE, който е всеки ден
     на 3505-3507 kHz от 21 до 00.30 UTC. Той използува трансийвър TS940S и дипол на
     височина 30 метра над земята. Също така може да си уредите скед: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   
                                                                        QSL info - qrz.com
     Специалнатa станция II4TRI щe e QRV на всички обхвати и всички видове излъчвания
     от 5 до 20 януари послучай 211 години на първия италиански трикольор.
                                                                             QSL via IK4SWX.

     Оператoрите на Balkan Contest Club от 1 януари до 31 март ще работят с инициал
     LZ130LO , послучай 130 години от края на руско-турската война,довела Освобождение
     на Българите от робство и създаване на Княжество България.
     По този случай е учредена диплома - условията вижте в qrz.com (LZ130LO).
                                                                            QSL via LZ1KZA.
     Special event Christmas stations PA07XMAS,PC07XMAS, PD07SANTA, PD07XMAS, PD08HNY, PF07XMAS,
     PG07XMAS,PH07XMAS, are QRV until January 6.            QSL via operators' instructions.

     Eкспедицията PZ5YV в Парамарибо, Суринам, организирана от 4M5DX Group е запланирана
     за времето от 5 до 11 януари. Многонационалната група оператори, които ще приеме
     Ramon/PZ5RA включва  Olli/OH0XX, Spiros/SV8CS, Alex/YV5SSB, Jose/YV5TX, Juan/EA8CAC,
     Ramon/XE1KK, Diego/LU8ADX), се очаква да са активни с три станции на обхватите от
     160 до 6 м  на CW, SSB и цифрови видове работа.
     Повече информация  четете на  http://www.pz5yv.4m5dx.info/
                                                                          QSL via IT9DAA.
     Fernando, EA1BT is QRV as S05A and has been active on 40 and 20 meters using SSB.
     His length of stay is unknown.                                        QSL to home call.

     Roland, F8EN is QRV as TR8CR from Libreville until January 12.Activity is mostly on 20
     meters. Listen for him mainly on 14005, 14125 and 14200 kHz. He may try to take a
     short trip to an island in the AF-043 IOTA group. 
                                                                              QSL via F6AJA.
     Rashad, 4J9M, e в командировка в Актау, Казахстан. Той е получил разрешение да работи
     с инициал UN/4J9M до 3 февруари 2008 год.                               QSL via DL7EDH.

     Michael is QRV as XT2WC and is here until January 5. He is generally active on 20 meters
     between 0800 to 1000z.                                                  QSL via F1IQH.

     Andy, ZD9BV has been active on 20 meters from around 0730 to 0800z.
                                                                    QSL direct to home call.
Island activities:
AF-004  Fuerteventura, Canary Islands
     Giovanni,EA8/IZ2DPX, will be QRV on 40/20/17/15/12/10m using his TS-50 and an
     "I1UJX-Multiband vertical" between Dec 30 and Jan 6.                  QSL via IK2DUW.

     Raul is QRV as LU1ZA from the Orcadas base on Laurie Island, IOTA AN-008.  He is
     often active on the Antarctic DX Net (+/- 7093  kHz) from 2300 to 0200z.      
                                                                          QSL via LU4DXU.
     Marek, SP3GVX, has been on King George Island since November 2007. He is at the Polish
     "Henryk Arctowski Antarctic Station" managed by Polish Academy of Science
     (Institute of Antarctic Biology). At the moment he has many duties to perform, but he
     should soon be active as HF0POL. This is his 4th time there, and he is going to be
     there the whole year during 2008.    For more info about the Arctowski Station,
     visit the Web page at: http://www.arctowski.home.pl        QSL manager is Tom, SP3WVL.
     Инициалът OJ1ABOA е издаден на финландската полярна станция "Aboa" (73.03S-13.25W),
     разположена на Земя кралица Мод в Антарктида (AN-016). Групата полярници състояща се
     от 11 човека ще бъде там 3 месеца, а техния ръководител Mika Kalakoski (OH2FFP),
     планира да работи с мощност 1 KW  и дипол за 40 и 20 м вдигнат на 15 метра.
                                                                          QSL via OH2FFP.
     Harry,JG7PSJ, announced to be QRV from Chichijima (AS-031) between Dec 29 and Jan 4
     signing JD1BMH in CW/SSB/RTTY on 160-10m.
     See also  http://sapphire.ganko.tohoku.ac.jp:8080/jd1bmh              QSL via JG7PSJ.

AS-079 Miyako isl.     
     JS6RRR , JI3DST/JS6 ще са QRV от Miyako isl.(AS-079) от 27 декември до 7 януари 2008.
     Основният QTH ще бъде Miyakojima (JIIA AS-079-005),но освен това, ще активират и
     Ikema-jima (AS-079-001), Kurima-jima (AS-079-003) и Ogami-jima  (AS-079-006).
                                                                             QSL via buro.

EU-003  Sao Miguel, Azores
     Michael,CU2/G7VJR, is going to operate from Sao Miguel on all HF bands (including 160m)
     betwen Dec 26 and Jan 3.  He works in CW only using a small amplifier and verticals.
                                                                         QSL via home call.
     Operators Flo/F5CWU, Sylvain/F4EGD and Terry/F5MOO will be active as MJ/homecall,
     while Tom, GM4FDM, will sign GJ4FDM from the Isle of Jersey (WLOTA L0818) before,
     during and after the New Year week. Activity will actually take place between
     December 28th and January 6th, with operations mostly on the lower bands and
     30/17/12 17 meters as well as RTTY. They plan to have three stations on the air for
     HF and one for VHF (2 meters). They will have a Web site online with their logs at:
     http://jersey2008.f5cwu.net                               QSL via their home callsigns.

EU-023  MALTA 
     Horst, DJ6OZ, will be on holiday and active as 9H3HW until January 5th (2008).
                                                QSL via DJ6OZ, by the DARC Bureau or direct.
OC-009  Koror Island  
     Frank, I2DMI and his XYL Giovanna are on Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, until January 2.
     He is active as T88RY using mainly RTTY on 80 to 6 meters.            QSL to home call.

OC-010   Pohnpei isl. Micronesia
     Kazu, JA0VSH, и неговата XYL Miyuki, JG0PBJ, ще са QRV от Pohnpei isl. (OC-010),
     от 28 декември до 3 януари. Ще използуват инициалите V63KZ (Kazu), V63MP (Miyuki)
     и V63BBQ - инициала на клубната радиостанция,работейки на обхватите от 160 до 10 метра
     на CW и SSB.                                                    QSL direct  via JA0VSH.
                             Kazuhide Maruyama, 1-25-49 Iruma, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0004, Japan.
OC-046  Windward Islands:
     F5IRO is momentarily working from Tahiti signing FO5RU until the mid of January 2008.                                                         
     See also: http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm               QSL via F5CQ.

OC-129  Visayan Isl.
     Wolfgang,DU7/DK9SC,is resident on Cebu Island and hopes to get the callsign DU7AB soon.
                                                                             QSL via DL3SK.
OC-160   South Molle Island
     Steve, G0UIH, who recently activated Great Keppel Island (OC-142) this past week, will
     now activate South Molle Island (OC-160), January 7-11th.  His callsign will be
     VK2IAY/4, the same as the previous operation, and he plans to operate mainly around
     14260 kHz, with the possibility of some 17/15m operations also.
     Check out the following Web site for further details at: http://www.percy.me.uk
                                                                         QSL via home call.
     Marty, W2CG, ще бъде QRV с инициал P40CG от Аруба (SA-036) до 31 декември.
     Свободното му време за работа са вечерните часове (местно време) 00-05 UTC.
     Ще работи на обхватите от 10 до 80 м на CW, SSB и, може би и на RTTY.
                                                                         QSL via home call.
SA-098  Blanca isl.
SA-076  Lobos de Tierra isl.   
     Jorge/OA4BHY, Daniel/DL5YWM, Rene/DL2JRM и Bodo/DL3OCH ще са QRV на CW и SSB от
     две редки групи IOTA в края на декември и началото на януари:
                  28-30 декември    OC6I      Blanca isl.            SA-098
                  02-07 януари        OC1I      Lobos de Tierra isl.   SA-076
      От 8 до 12 януари  OA4/DL5YWM, OA4/DL3OCH и OA4/DL2JRM ще работят от клубната
      радиостанция на Перуанския радиоклуб  OA4O . Те планират работа на HF обхватите и за
      първи път от Перу да се работи на 23 см EME. Повече подробна иформация за тази
      експедиция и начините за договаряне на скедове ЕМЕ може да намерите на :
                          http://www.qslnet.de/oc1i  и http://www.qslnet.de/oc6i 
                                        QSL OC6I и OC1I via DL5WM, останалите via home call.
Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
OC1I          LH 1521  PER-053        Jan 2-7.2008
CU2/G7VJR  LH 2016                       -Jan 3.2008
EA8/ON5JV   LH 1276                     -Jan 31.2008 
EA8/ON6AK  LH 1276                      -Jan 31.2008   
ZF2XD         LH 1042              06.01.-11.02.2008
5H1CM        LH 1080                  Jan 13-24.2008
CT3MD        LH 3365                          resident
9A4W         LH 0416  CRO-129            resident
CU3EQ        LH 0542  AZO-022            resident
DU7/DK9SC LH 1901                           resident
DU7AB        LH 1901                           resident      
    Pete, SM5GMZ, informs  that he will be traveling through South-East Asia starting
    in January 2008. He states, "Unless something odd happens, I will stay in the region
    until April and - when not working - try to operate as much as possible." His schedule
    is as follows:
        January - Activity as HS0ZFI from Thailand (all bands and all modes), concentrating
    on 30/17/12 meters and the low bands.
        January/February - Activity as XU7ADI from Cambodia (all bands and all modes).
        March - Activity as 9M6/SM5GMZ from East Malaysia. He will also be active in the
    WPX Contest from Sarawak as 9M8Z. Also, activity from Brunei (V8).
        April - Still open. Maybe some surprises!
    All QSLs are via SM5GMZ.
    Hopefully more up-to-date details will be forthcoming before the new year. Stay tuned!
    Wilbert,ZL2BSJ, will be the technician of an oceanographic mission in January 2008.
    He will be onboard the research vessel "R/V Tangaroa" but it's not sure yet when and
    where they will have the possibility to land on an island.
J5C  Guinea Bissau DXpedition
    The F6KOP Team is planning a DXpedition to Guinea Bissau on Bubaque Island (AF-020 and
    WLOTA 1145) between January 11-21st (2008). Their callsign will be J5C.
    This is the same group that was active as XT2C from Burkina Faso. They hope to be able
    to use all their skills and experiences gained from the past XT2C operation as well as
    being active on as many bands as possible simultaneously.
    Several weeks ago, the TEAM added Jean-Marc, F8IXZ to round up the team of FB operators.
    More details about this operation is available on the J5C Web site at:

Additional information