DX DX , IOTA , QTC  QTC . . .

     Petrus, ZS6GCM is QRV as 3Y0E probably until February 14, 2008. He is the medical
     officer with a five member research team on the island.  He is a newly licensed
     operator, with capabilities to be QRV on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters during his spare
     time only.                                                               QSL via LZ3HI.

     Ivan is QRV as 4S7DXG and has been active on 20 meters SSB just before 1500z and
     then on 30 meters around 1630z.                                         QSL via UR9IDX.

     От 1 януари 2008 год. официалната валута на Република Кипър вместо кипърския фунт ще
     стане евро. По този случай членовете на  Cyprus Amateur Radio Society  в окръг  Pafos
     ще работят през цялата 2008 година със специалния инициал  C4EURO . Ще са активни на
     всички HF и VHF обхвати на SSB, CW и цифрови видове.                 QSL  via 5B4AGC.

     Pat, W8FV is QRV as 5H9PD from Mwanza until around January 12.  Activity is on 40
     to 10 meters using mostly CW.  He may try to be active on 80 meters.  He will also
     be active using PSK31.                                               QSL to home call.

     Horst, DJ6OV will be QRV as 9H3HW during his holiday here from December 23.2007  to
     January 5.2008.                                                      QSL to home call.

     Zbig, SP7BTB is QRV as 9L1BTB while on a UN mission here.             QSL to home call.

     A7/GOMKT by NM7H (aka GOMKT and YI9WF) QRV until 5.jan.2008.Activity will be
     primarily CW with some PSK and some SSB on 40-10 meters. He may even be
     on 6 meters if the band opens up.                                        QSL via NM7H.

     Luis, CT3EE will be QRV using European PSK Club call CT9EPC to December 28. 
     Activity will be mostly on 40 and 20 meters using digital modes.   QSL direct to CT3EE.

     Joe is QRV as ET3JA and has been active on 17 meters SSB just before 1500.  He ha also
     been active on 20 meters SSB from around 1530 to 1800z.  He is here for about one year.
                                                                              QSL via OK3AA.

     FJ/OH2AM is QRV from this new DXCC entity and has been active of late on 40, 20 and
     17 meters using CW and SSB.                                              QSL via OH2BN.

     Masa,JA6GXK, is hitting the airwaves as JD1BMM from Marcus Island until Dec 27.
     He is going to use a brand new FT 2000D and plans to work especially on the lowbands
     (160/80/40m) with verticals and dipoles. Masa is on a work assignment there but will
     try to show up on the bands as much as possible. Masa prefers QSLs via the JARL bureau,
     direct mail should be sent to: Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki,
     Chuo-ku, Chiba, 260-0806, Japan.
     For return postage please include only IRCs and no money bills.
     JD1BMM plans another stay on Marcus Island in February/March 2008.
     Santa Claus Land (OH9SCL) will be active in December from the Artic Circle.
     Activity will be on 10-160 metre CW, SSB and digital modes. Among others, Santa's
     helpers will include Rami OH3BHL,Erkin OH9KL,Kimmo OH9MDV,Juha OH9MM and Aaro OH9RJ.
                                                                           QSL via OH9UV.
     Mika, OH2FFP, is a team leader on an expedition from Finland to the Antarctica with 11
     members heading to the Aboa Scientific Base located on Queen Maud land (73В°03'S, 13В°25'W)
     near the Swedish, Norwegian and German bases. By the time you read this, the team should
     be there, and Mika could be active on the air using the very rare callsign OJ1ABOA.
     Mika will answer QSLs when they return in three months. The base has several transceivers.
     Mika plans to use 1 KW to a twin dipole for 40 and 20 meters on a 15 meter tall tower.
     By the way, Mika is fairly new to amateur radio and has no experience with operating
     or certainly with pileups, but he is an expert on survival in extreme conditions -
     which may help on the air!    He has written two books on extreme conditions survival.
                                                      Mika,OH2FFP, is also the QSL manager.

     Special event Christmas stations PA07XMAS,PC07XMAS, PD07SANTA, PD07XMAS, PD08HNY, PF07XMAS, PG07XMAS,PH07XMAS, are QRV until January 6.            QSL via operators' instructions.

     Jerry,PJ2/WB9Z, will be QRV from Signal Point/Curacao (SA-006, LH-0942) until Dec 25.
     This is a holiday with radio but Jerry will try to be active on all bands.
                                                                               QSL via WB9Z.
     Fernando, EA1BT is QRV as S05A and has been active on 40 and 20 meters using SSB.
     His length of stay is unknown.                                        QSL to home call.

     Frank, I2DMI and his XYL Giovanna are on Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, until January 2.
     He is active as T88RY using mainly RTTY on 80 to 6 meters.            QSL to home call.

     Roland, F8EN is QRV as TR8CR from Libreville until January 12.Activity is mostly on 20
     meters. Listen for him mainly on 14005, 14125 and 14200 kHz. He may try to take a
     short trip to an island in the AF-043 IOTA group. 
                                                                              QSL via F6AJA.
     Michael is QRV as XT2WC and is here until January 5. He is generally active on 20 meters
     between 0800 to 1000z.                                                  QSL via F1IQH.
Island activities:

AF-004  Tenerife
     Jean, ON5JV, и Georgette, ON6AK, ще работят като EA8/ON5JV и EA8/ON6AK от
     Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife (AF-004). до 26 януари 2008.QRV основно на 20 и 40 м вечер.
                                                               QSL via home calls, via buro.
     Paul is QRV as LU1ZA from the Orcadas base on Laurie Island, IOTA AN-008.  He is
     often active on the Antarctic DX Net from 2300 to 0200z.          QSL via LU4DXU.

EU-003  Sao Miguel, Azores
     Michael,CU2/G7VJR, is going to operate from Sao Miguel on all HF bands (including 160m)
     betwen Dec 26 and Jan 3.  He works in CW only using a small amplifier and verticals.
     QSLs via his homecall and the logs will be uploaded to LoTW after his return home.

NA-009 Resolute Island 
      Hisato, JA1DOT will be QRV as VY0/JA1DOT from Resolute Island, IOTA NA-009, in
      Nunavut Territory until December 27.Activity will be mainly on the low bands
      using CW, SSB and RTTY.                                             QSL to home call.

NA-128 QC Province Group
     Igor,VE3ZF, will show up as VE2IDX (VE3ZF/2) from Orleans Island (CISA QC-007)
     on Dec 28/29.                                                        QSL via home call.

OC-010 Micronesia
      28 December 2007 - 3 January 2008
      As well as airing V63BBQ (the club call station), JA0VSH (V63KZ) and JG0PBJ (V63MP)
      will also show up.Focus on 160m, but QRV every other band should condx prevail.
                                                              QSL via JA0VSH (Direct only).
OC-046  Windward Islands:
      F5IRO is momentarily working from Tahiti signing FO5RU until the mid of January 2008.                                                         
      See also: http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm               QSL via F5CQ.

OC-129  Visayan Isl.
      Wolfgang,DU7/DK9SC,is resident on Cebu Island and hopes to get the callsign DU7AB soon.
                                                                             QSL via DL3SK.
SA-098  Blanca isl.
SA-076  Lobos de Tierra isl.   
        Jorge/OA4BHY, Daniel/DL5YWM, Rene/DL2JRM и Bodo/DL3OCH ще са QRV на CW и SSB от
        две редки групи IOTA в края на декември и началото на януари:
                  28-30 декември    OC6I      Blanca isl.            SA-098
                  02-07 януари      OC1I      Lobos de Tierra isl.   SA-076
        От 8 до 12 януари (а възможно е и на 26-27декември) OA4/DL5YWM, OA4/DL3OCH и
        OA4/DL2JRM ще работят от клубната радиостанция на Перуанския радиоклуб  OA4O .
        Те планират работа на HF обхватите и за първи път от Перу да се работи на
        23 см EME. Повече подробна иформация за тази експедиция и начините за договаряне
        на скедове ЕМЕ може да намерите на :
                                  http://www.qslnet.de/oc1i  и http://www.qslnet.de/oc6i 
                                     QSL OC6I и OC1I via DL5WM, останалите via home call.
Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
OC6I            LH 0907                  Dec 28/29.2007
OC1I            LH 1521  PER-053        Jan 2-7.2008
CU2/G7VJR   LH 2016              Dec 26-Jan 3.2008
EA8/ON5JV    LH 1276                      -Jan 31.2008 
EA8/ON6AK    LH 1276                     -Jan 31.2008   
ZF2XD          LH 1042               06.01.-11.02.2008
5H1CM         LH 1080                   Jan 13-24.2008
CT3MD         LH 3365                           resident
9A4W           LH 0416  CRO-129            resident
CU3EQ         LH 0542  AZO-022             resident
DU7/DK9SC  LH 1901                            resident
DU7AB         LH 1901                            resident      
NEW DXCC country
The ARRL DXCC Desk is pleased to announce the addition of St Barthelemy (FJ) to
the DXCC List, making the island entity number 338 with an effective date of
14 December, 2007. Cards with contacts dated December 14, 2007 or after will be
accepted for DXCC credit. New card submissions for St Barthelemy will not be
accepted until January 1, 2008 in order to allow time for administrative adjustments.
The "event date" that caused St. Barthelemy to be added to the DXCC list was
December 14, 2007, the date the US State Department Fact sheet was updated by
the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.
This update added St Barthelemy to the List of Dependencies and Areas of
Special Sovereignty with its Administrative Center in Gustavia, qualifying it
under DXCC rules in Section II -- 1 Political Entities (c). French St Martin (FS),
while also added to the List of Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty,
will remain on the DXCC List, but it is now considered a Point 1 Political Entity
under the same classification as that of St Barthelemy. Please direct any questions
you may have about St Barthelemy, St Martin or the DXCC program to the ARRL DXCC Desk at,
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     John, K9EL, CQ's Program Manager for the CQ DX Marathon, reports: "Just a few weeks
     left to the end of the second annual CQ Magazine DX Marathon!
     Each year from January 1st to December 31st, CQ Magazine sponsors a challenge to work
     as many countries and zones as possible in the calendar year. This year's edition ends
     soon, but there is still time to fill in some missing countries and zones.
     Remember that for 2007, the WARC bands are permitted. For complete rules and submission
     information, please see our Web site at:   http://www.dxmarathon.com
     Good luck and see you on the bands! 73, John, K9EL"
The three Steve's at W1AW
Worked All Steve's certificate

Once again the famous 3 Steve's - Steve KF2TI, Steve N2IFA, Steve KB2ENF and Kurt W2MW
(aka Steve) - will be guests operating at the ARRL station, W1AW, Wednesday December 26th,
from 1700-2045z.
This is their 15th annual WAS (Worked All Steve's) DXpedition to Newington, and they will
 be operating the following bands:

30m CW - Kurt (aka Steve)
40/20/15m SSB - Steve, Steve and Steve
17/10m - Andrew N2IFB and Eric K2EMZ will also be operating as 'Steves'.

Steve KF2TI, states, "Hopefully condx will improve, and we will try to listen for outside
the US. Packet spots will be posted."
If you work any 3 operators, they will send you a beautiful, full color WAS
(Worked All Steve's) certificate (suitable for framing). No QSL is needed as they will
have copies of the log and send out a certificate to all those who qualify. If you want a
W1AW QSL card, please send to them direct or via the bureau. The logs will be posted after
January 1st on their website: http://the3stevesarc.org/

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an officially sanctioned ARRL event. It is run for fun by
the 3 Steves Amateur Radio Association - WK3SS (all rights reserved), and they are
responsible for the printing and sending of the 3 Steve's and a Kurt Worked All Steve's
certificate (suitable for framing).
Steve KF2TI, states, "We would like to thank the ARRL for allowing us to play with their
great toys and putting up with us each year. Hope to work you then."
 QRP Kilometer per Watt Challenge

The QRP/p kilometer per watt challenge is flexible with no date, time or precise QTH.
You go out where, when and how you wish, to operate QRP/p, and improve your kilometer
 per watt ratio.
In order to maintain a permanent interest in the Challenge throughout the year,
participants are invited to update their classification, “hunters” and/or “activators”,
and indicate what kind of equipment they are/were using.
So visit  http://qrpfr.free.net  for more information. The start date of the challenge
is the 1st of January 2008. It is necessary to register on the site and update your score
The purpose of the challenge is to promote Radio, Nature and Walking with an emphasis on
QRP operation.
3Y0E      Bouvet Island - AN-002

On the 19 December 2007, Petrus ZS6GCM was granted temporary permission to operate an
Amateur Radio Station for the duration of the 2007/2008 scientific expedition from
Bouvet Island. The call sign will be 3Y0E.
Rhynhardt Louw ZS6DXB writes:
We would like to use this opportunity to thank Tom V. Segalstad LA4LN and Trond Olsen LA8XM,
for the wonderful help and time they dedicated in obtaining permission to operate from
Bouvet Island.
Secondly we would like to welcome Colin McGowan MM0NDX to the team. Colin has donated a
dedicated website for the expedition and will act as the webmaster.
We are hoping to receive regular logbook updates from Petrus via satellite phone and will
have a logbook search page where you can look if you are in the log.
The official 3Y0E operation webpage address is www.3y0e.wordpress.com
The site is under construction and we plan to have it fully operational in a couple of days.
Feel free to visit the site on a regular basis for the latest news from Petrus.
Emil Stoikov, LZ3HI has began design on the 3Y0E qsl card. Emil has donated the QSL card
design and printing free of charge. He will also act as the official QSL manager for 3Y0E.
Previews of cards that was designed and printed by Emil
can be found on his webpage www.lz3hi.com. We look forward to present you all with the
official QSL card when it is done.

3Y0E QSL information:
Emil Stoikov - LZ3HI
P.O. Box 8
6000 Stara Zagora

Petrus will be notified via Satellite phone off his new call sign and permission to start
operating. We certainly look forward to bring you more exiting news in the near distant

73 to all and good luck
Rhynhardt Louw ZS6DXB
3Y0E Pilot Station and Media Officer
zs6dxb at kats.za.net

3Y0E - Bouvet Island


Kempton Amateur Technical Society

Bouvet Island
18th New Zealand/International 2007/2008 Scouts Jamboree
To be held in Christchurch, New Zealand from December 29, 2007 to January 5, 2008.
Over 4,500 Scouts along with 1,000 plus Scout Leaders and support personnel from 14 Countries
will participate in this event.
Amateur Radio will be there too with volunteers from local Radio Clubs headed by Paul ZL3TX who
will have a fully operational HF/VHF/UHF station running under the Callsign ZM6JAM (OC-134).
The main activity will take place between the hours of 2000Z to 0800Z (9AM to 9PM NZDT) each day
apart from New Years Eve when the station will remain active till 1200Z (1AM NZDT). Remember though
that NZ is 13 hours ahead of UTC time and one of the first countries in the world to see in the New Year!
ZM6JAM will be active on 80 through 10 meters mainly SSB/Digital Modes along with Echolink via
the ZL3CAR repeater Node 101553 and ILRP on 145.625 repeater Node 6900.
All Qsl’s via ZL Buro or ZL3TX (See Qrz.com).
For further information or for those wanting to set up skeds please email: Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
Bill ZL3NB
For Kiwi Dx List
Bosnia and Herzegovina, E7.
T93Y, Boris Knezovic, reports from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, that new E7 callsigns
with a one letter suffix will not be issued until  January first, 2009. Representatives
from the ITU and IARU are planning to go to Sarajevo for the inauguration of the E7 prefix
sometime before then,but with no official date set for that, yet. Boris reports everything
is still very unofficial.
Boris, a crack operator, tower climber and computer man,
has a nice web site at      http://www.t93y.com
Suriname, PZ.

        Updating the info on an upcoming expedition to Suriname, PZ, the multinational team
        of operators from Greece, Mexico, Finland, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Suriname and
        Venezuela, coordinated by the 4M5DX Group, will be on all bands and modes starting
        January 5. The operation will last until late January 11th. Their goal is to have
        three stations on the air at once,different bands and modes,with "at least 200 hours
        of full operation." And, they hope to be easy to contact. They also want to get
        their QSL cards out fast,including putting the log on LoTW.Their goal is 25,000 QSOs
        They plan a DVD of the operation afterward. The operator list is: OH0XX/YV5WW, Olli;
        SV8CS, Spiros; YV5SSB, Alex; YV5TX, Jose; EA8CAC, Juan; XE1KK, Ramon; LU8ADX, Diego;
        PZ5RA, Ramon; and IT9DAA, Corrado. The Suriname group will be equipped with a
        Yaesu FT-920, Kenwood TS-50 and two Icom IC-7000s, an Acom 2000A amplifier,
        Kenwood TL922 amplifier and three Dentron amps, a Mosley Pro-67-B beam for 40-10 on
        one tower, a TH-3 tribander and 6M yagi on a second tower, plus a 30-10M log periodic
        and sloper for 160/80/30 - and a dipole for 80.  They will be on 160-6M CW, SSB,
        RTTY, PSK and SSTV.     www.pz5yz.4m5dx.info.                        QSL via IT9DAA.


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