DX DX  IOTA  NEWs . . .

     Hans, DL7CM will be QRV as 5H1CM from Uroa White Villa, Zanzibar Island, IOTA AF-032,
     from January 13 to 24.  He will be active holiday style on 160 to 6 meters using CW,
     SSB and RTTY.                                                        QSL to home call.
     Jacques, F6HMJ, will be active as 6W/F6HMJ until January 29th. Activity is usually
     on 80-10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY. He will use an IC-706 MKIIG and HF9V.
                                                                    QSL via his home callsign.

6W   Peter, HA3AUI, се завръща  в Африка. Ще е активен в свободното си време с инициал 6W2SC
     (от Сенегал) и J5UAP  (от Гвинея-Бисау) до 15 април.Неговите планове са да работи предимно
     на цифровите видове работа и на SSB.Ще активен на всички HF обхвати включително и 6 метра
     от 6W и на 30 до 10 метра от J5.                                         QSL via HA3AUI.

     Andrew, G7COD, за четвърти път ще работи с инициал  8Q7AK от Embudu,Малдивски о-вИ
     (AS-013), от 21 януари до 2 февруари. Той планира да работи предимно на SSB и помалко
     на CW на 40-12 м, обикновено от 9-11 UTC, 14-16 UTC и 18-18.30 UTC.
                                                                           QSL via home call.

     Special event callsign A60ISG is QRV until January 24 during the 3rd international
     ''Scouting and Humanitarian Action'' in Sharjah.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters
     using CW, SSB and digital modes.                                        QSL via IZ8CLM.

     Udo, DL9HCU will be QRV as C21HC for about a week. Activity is on 20 meters using CW and SSB
     at various times.                                                     QSL to home call.

     Rodrigo, CT1BXT is QRV as C91R until August 2008. He is active using mostly RTTY on 20 meters
     but expects to be active on 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters soon.             QSL to home call.

     Svein, LA6IKA will be QRV as CE0Z/LA6IKA from January 22 to 29.  Activity will be on 20, 15
     and 10 meters using CW and PSK.                                        QSL to home call.

     Pooyan, EP3PK has been QRV on 20 meters using SSB or PSK between 1130 and 1400z.QSL via IK2DUW.

     Jouko/OH1RX (and XYL Merja), Pertti/OH2PM (with XYL Kirsti), Veijo/OH6KN и Juha/OH8NC ще
     са QRV от Nuku Hiva,Маркизки о-ви (OC-027),с инициал FO/OH1RX от 9 до 22 януари 2008.
     Ще бъдат инсталирани 3 радиостанции за работа от 160 до 10 метра.Смятат да обърнат повече
     внимание на работа от 160 до 30 метра обхвати като ще използват верикални антени за
     предаване и beverages за слушане + 3 четири елементни ягита за горните обхвати.
     Ориентировъчните работни честоти: 1822, 3502, 3523, 7008, 7023, 10108, 14008,
     14023, 18068, 21008, 21023, 24898 и 28008 kHz (CW);
     1845, 3790, 7050, 19195, 18145, 21295, 24945 и 28495 kHz (SSB);
     14080, 21080 и 28070 kHz (RTTY).                                        QSL via OH2PM.

FT   Gildas, TU5KG, е заминал в южната част на Индийския океан на риболов.Неговите нови
     инициали са FT5XR (Кергелен) и FT5WN (Крозе). Неговия кораб ще лови риба в райиона
     на тези острови и засега не е напълно ясно дали ще успее да акостора на брега и да
     работи от там или ще се ограничи с  работата си от кораба като /ММ.      QSL via F4EFI.

    Simone, IZ5JNQ, HI/IZ5JNQ ще е QRV от Санто Доминго,Доминиканска република,до 26 януари.
    Ще работи на SSB и цифрови видове работа на 10, 15 и 20 м.           QSL via home call.

    Unni, LA6RHA, До 24 януари ще е активен  с инициал JW6RHA.Търсете го около 14248 KHz.
                                                                             QSL via home call.
    Maria Teresa, JW/IN3TCH, (RTTY) и Mauro, JW/IN3SAU, (SSB) ще работят от клубната станция
    JW5E в Longyearbyen (EU-026), Шпицберген, от 26 януари до 3 февруари.       QSL via IN3SAU.

LA   Пет специални станции ще работят  до 27 януари във връзка с провеждането в Норвегия
     на Европейския щампионат по хандбал. ( http://www.ehf-euro.com/ )
           LM8EHC/1 - QSL via LA1B,
           LM8EHC/2 - QSL via LA2D,
           LM8EHC/3 - QSL via LA2L,
           LM8EHC/4 - QSL via LA8D,
           LM8EHC/5 - QSL via LA2T .
     Оператoрите на Balkan Contest Club от 1 януари до 31 март ще работят с инициал
     LZ130LO , послучай 130 години от края на руско-турската война, довела Освобождение
     на Българите от робство и създаване на Княжество България.
     По този случай е учредена диплома - условията вижте в qrz.com (LZ130LO).
                                                                            QSL via LZ1KZA.

Р29   Dan, JA1PBV с планирал и се надява ще ще може да ползва старият си инициал в 
      Папуа Нова Гвинея P29SI, и да поработи до 26 януари.                      QSL via JA1PBV.
     До 31 януари и от 1 до 15 май 2008 година, ще работи радиостанция със специален инициал
     R245GS послучай 245 години от създаването на Генерален щаб на Въоръжените сили на
     Руската федерация.                                                      QSL via RL3AB.

    John, KX7YT will be QRV as S21YV from Dhaka from January 24 to March 11. This includes entries
    in the upcoming CQ WW RTTY WPX and ARRL DX SSB contests as Single Op/All Band entries.
                                                                            QSL to home call.

SM    Шест специални станции ще работят от областите Blekinge, Skane (Scania) и Halland в
      Южна Швеция през цялата 2008 г. по случай 350 години от сключването на Роскилския договор
      (26 февраля 1658 г.), съгласно който тези бивши датски провинции са били предадени на Швеция.
      Тези станции са:  SB1658OZ - QSL via SK7JC,
                        SC1658OZ - QSL via SK7BQ,
                        SH1658DK - QSL via SK6JX,
                        SH1658OZ - QSL via SK6KY,
                        SK1658DK - QSL via SK7CE,
                        SK1658OZ - QSL via SK7BQ.
      Информация за дипломата "Roskilde 1658 Award",която се издава по този повод от радиоклуба
      Kristianstads Radioamatorer (SK7BQ), вижте на   http://www.sk7bq.com/roskilde/index.php

      Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A has been active on 20 and 17 meters around 0910 to 1010z and
      then 1340 to 1400z.
     Jack,V51KC, writes that V55SRT is working in SSB/RTTY/BPSK untilSeptember. QSLs via IZ8EDJ.

     Special event station  VI2BMARC5O will be active on 18-28 January to celebrate
     the 50th anniversary of the Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club  VK2HZ,
     http://www.bmarc.org/ .                                                QSL via bureau.

     Andrea, IK1PMR (VK7AAP), и Claudia, IZ1GLO/K2LEO (VK7CLA),през целия януари ще пътешестват
     из Австралия и Нова Зеландия.Ето и ориентировъчния график за тяхната работа :
                 - 6 януари  VK7AAP/4 и VK7CLA/4    о-в Bribie (OC-001)
                7-13 януари  ZL/IK1PMR и ZL/IZ1GLO  Оклънд, Нова Зеландия (OC-036)
               14-16 януари  ZL/IK1PMR и ZL/IZ1GLO  о-в Waiheke (OC-201)
               17-20 януари  VK7AAP/3 и VK7CLA/3    Австралия
               21-31 януари  VK7AAP и VK7CLA        Тасмания (OC-006)
           1 февруари - ???  VK7AAP/3 и VK7CLA/3    Австралия

VP8_fal   Dave, G1OCN (VP8CLE), и Carol, 2E1DQZ (VP8DKW) , ще са активни от различни места на
          Фолклъндските о-ви (SA-002) от 19 януари до 2 февруари.Ще работят на SSB - около
          следните честоти : +/- 3740, 7055, 14335,18150, 21360 и 28940 kHz, на FM ще използват
          спътниците AO-51 и SO-50.
                           QSL only direct: P.O. Box 2, Weymouth, Dorset DT4  4AP, England, UK.

     Bob, I2JIN, отново ще бъде активен с инициал YS3/I2JIN от Салвадор от 13 до 27 януари.
     Той планира да работи на всички обхвати само на  CW.

ZK2 Niue Isl.
    VK3APM (ex VK3KIE), Phil McGill, is back on Niue Island for the next year or so and
    has been QRV as ZK2PM. He says he has a 1/4 monopole on tin roof for 20 meters,
    ATU on 1/4 for other bands, a 15 meter and 20 meter dipole, 2m/70cm 6m monopoles.
    After the cyclone season more will be made. Phil has an IC706 and small amplifier.
    He can sometime be found on the ANZA net on 14183.                          QSL via VK3APM. 
Island activities:
    Niels, OZ7FOC is QRV as EA8/OZ7FOC from Islade Tenerife, IOTA AF-004, until January 26. 
                                                                             QSL to home call.
AS-060  Sorok Island
    Chae, HL5YI/4 will be QRV from Sorok Island, IOTA AS-060, from January 18 to 21.
    Activity will be on 80, 40, 20 and 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.   QSL to home call.

AS-053 Phuket Island
    Simon, G6JFY is QRV as HS0ZIB from Phuket Island, IOTA AS-053.Activity is on the HF bands.
                                                              QSL via operator's instructions.
     CT1GFK, CU1CB, CT1GPQ, CU8AS and HB9CRV will be active as CU8A from  Flores Island (EU-089)
     in the multi/single category of the CQWW 160m CW Contest.                 QSL via CT1GFK.
     From Jan 20-29 they will sign CU8AS and CU8/CT3FN in CW/RTTY mostly on the lowbands.
     Their QTH is situated in Farol do Albarnaz EU-089,                QSLs for both via HB9CRV.
     From Jan 31 until Feb 5 CU8AS and HB9CRV will show up as CU7T from Cedros at the north coast
     of Faial EU-175 . They will work in CW/RTTY/PSK31 using K2/100 radios, 500 watt amps and
     a HB9CV antenna.                                     QSLs for CU7T should be sent to CT1GFK.

NA-007  Southampton Island
    Mike, VE2XB is QRV as VE2XB/VY0 from Southampton Island, IOTA NA-007, for several months.
    Activity is on 40, 30 and 20 meters using CW and SSB as his work schedule permits. 
                                                                             QSL to home call.
    Gerhard, OE3GEA, is nowe active as OE3GEA/J3 until January 24th. Activity will only be CW.
    He was heard this past week on 40/30 meters.                        QSL via home callsign.

     Bill,W5SJ, will visit Dominica (NA-101) from Jan 22-31 and hopes to get his favourite callsign
     J79SJ. He plans to participate in the CQWW 160m CW Contest and will work mostly in CW on the
     WARC and lowbands outside of the contest.                                 QSLs via W5FO.

     After the successful DXpedition to Norfolk in February 2007 where VK9DNX logged more than
     60.000 QSOs the next activity is planned from Willis Island in October 2008. The same
     experienced team (DJ7EO, DJ9RR, DL1MGB, DL3DXX, DL5LYM, DL6FBL, DL8OH, DL8WPX) will be QRV
     with four high power stations in CW/SSB/RTTY on 160m-10m for about 17 days.
                                 More information can be found at: http://willis2008.dl1mgb.com
OC-067 Bora-Bora    
      Nicolas, F4CTS, а активен в момента с инициал FO3RX  от островите Bora-Bora (OC-067),
      Френска Полинезия. Той работи на SSB и цифрови видове (скоро може би и на CW).
                                                                              QSL via F1NGP.
Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
8Q7AK     3911               Jan 21-Feb 2.2008
CU8AS     0947 AZO-016      Jan 20-Jan 29.2008
CU8/CT3FN 0947 AZO-016      Jan 20-Jan 29.2008
CU7T      1830 AZO-020       Jan 31-Feb 5.2008
EA8/ON5JV LH 1276                 -Jan 31.2008 
EA8/ON6AK LH 1276                 -Jan 31.2008   
ZF2XD     LH 1042                  -11.02.2008
5H1CM     LH 1080               Jan 13-24.2008
HQ9R      LH-1671  HON-008      Jan 26-27.2008
HR9/WQ7R  LH-1671  HON-008      Jan 26-27.2008
PW2M      LH 1335  BRA 043        Feb 1-8.2008
OY9R               FAR 029      resident
JS6RRR    LH 0249  JAP 1110     resident
3B8CF     LH 0595               resident  
MARS QSL BUREAU ---> N. Khosbayar, JT1CD, съобщава, че QSL бюрото на Монголската федерация по
  радиоспорт (MRSF) повече не съществува. Картичките следва да пращате на QSL бюрото на
  Монголската радиолюбителска асоциация (MARS):  P.O. Box 830, Ulaanbaatar-24, Mongolia.
  MARS беше основана  на 18 ноември 2006. Всички лицензирани радиолюбители в Монголия са се
  прехвърлили от MRSF в MARS.Текат процедури по смяната на името и запазване на членството в IARU.
  QSL бюрото ще работи постоянно.
From The President QRP ..

It is strange to think that way back in the 1970s that QRP was relatively unknown as part
of our hobby, yet the QRPO Society in the UK was founded in 1949.
In different parts of the world people were using low power but not as part of any
organised group. QRP ARCI started not as a true QRP club but as a 100 watt club.
Most US hams at that time used amplifiers. Later with international agreement the power
limit for QRP awards was set at 5 watts output from the transmitter for a CW signal.
This set the boundaries and as more and more people discovered the joy of QRP for various
reasons the QRP clubs expanded.
QRP ARCI is the ONLY truly International club with the international part as part of
the clubs By-Laws. The current President is British and one board member is Canadian.
Membership of all clubs has extended as the years pass and membership of QRP-ARCI passed
the 10,000 mark some years ago. As I write membership is in excess of 13,000 with more
joining every month.
The club provides a quality magazine every three months, or quarterly, that's why we call
it the ‘Quarterly’ or as we all abbreviate it to the ‘QQ’.
If you would like more information about the club read these web pages or send me an email.
Dick Pascoe, G0BPS
President QRP-ARCITexas DX Society's HKO San Andres Island DXpedition
A group of six members of the Texas DX Society plan to operate from San Andres Island,
Colombia, from March 1-6th.
This will include participation in the ARRL International DX Contest (Phone) on March 1-2nd.
The group will use two separate stations with beam and vertical antennas. After the contest,
operators will use individual callsigns on SSB, CW, and digital modes on the major HF bands.
Callsign assignments are pending. W5PF is the QSL Manager for all callsigns used.
After the operation logs will be uploaded to the ARRL's "Logbook of The World" (LoTW).
Operators will be WF5W, W5PF, K5WAF, NM5G, W5PR, and N4AL.
For more information and up-to-date news, visit the DXpedition's Web page at:
Honduras, HR.
   HQ8R Swan Islands 2008 DXpedition Synopsis. HQ8R Swan Islands 2008 DXpedition is
   the brainchild of HR2J Javier, he came up with the original idea of activating
   the islands and has received the support of Radio Club de Honduras and its members in
   this adventure we plan on using this site to share information, raise funds and promote
   DX and ham radio in general.
   We are looking for 10 operators to be able to work two PHONE stations, one CW and one
   RTTY/PSK31 station + one EME station with 1.5 Kilowatts (total of five stations)
   from 160 to 6 meter + 2 meter EME. Every licensed ham around the world is welcomed
   to join the HQ8R DX team. Cost per participant is around 700 US dollars, this will
   include meals and transportation from San Pedro Sula to the island and back
   to San Pedro Sula.
   We are planning to depart from port of Castilla Naval station in Trujillo bay on
   March 15th returning on March 23rd on a 85 foot Honduran Navy vessel with comfortable
   air conditioned accommodations. We will have a HughesNet high speed internet satellite
   system to upload logs, photos and videos into the Website. 
Ducie Island, VP6.  Expedition VP6DX - News #6- 2008, January 13th.

All equipment that was shipped from Germany and the USA has now arrived in New Zealand,
and everything except the last air freight shipment (laptops, microKeyers) has cleared
customs in Auckland. This equipment is now traveling by truck to Tauranga, the home port
of the "Braveheart".
On Thursday night this week Robin WA6CDR flies from Los Angeles to Auckland with the radios
and a few other last-minute items. Robin will sail with the "Braveheart" when it leaves New
 Zealand January 21st. During the 2 weeks of the voyage from Tauranga to Magareva, Robin
will work on consolidating all the different shipments into the needed order for orderly
transport to shore. Lets hope the sea weather is kind!
The expedition team also wired funds due under its contract with the "Braveheart" management
 company for fuel, use of the ship and crew. During 2007 oil prices have increased
substantially on world markets, and the US dollar has declined in strength on world
currency markets. These two changes have increased the cost of the DXpedition, in US dollar
terms, by US$20,000.
QSL Information:
On-line QSL information has been added to the website, www.vp6dx.com. No need to fill out
a card or write a letter... and no need for self-addressed envelopes! Just fill out an
on-line form to request QSLs.
Donors will receive accelerated, automated processing of their request. Verified contacts
will be confirmed promptly as soon as printed cards are available after the expedition.
LOTW confirmations will also be accelerated.
Non-donors will have their requested and verified contacts confirmed with a printed QSL card,
 sent via the bureau, and a LOTW entry at a later date.
For people who prefer not to use on-line forms or make on-line donations, the website
explains how to submit a paper request.
Thanks to DL1MGB, DF3CB and OM1AVK for the implementation of on-line QSL processing.
Site Planning:
The "Braveheart" is permitted to carry 13 passengers. With careful scheduling, 13 operators
can staff 7 operating positions 24 hours per day. Each operator will be on-air 12-13 hours
per day, typically in three-hour shifts with breaks of one hour for meals and other camp
jobs. By avoiding long operating shifts, operators will be more alert and logging accuracy
should improve.
Given likely propagation, how can 7 operating positions be best used? Late at night 160
through 30, and perhaps 20m, may be the only open bands. Our solution: two operating
locations, separated by about 1.5 km.
The west site will host three operating positions, plus these antennas:
75m SSB and 40m: 4-squares. 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10m: 2-element vertical dipole arrays.
The east site, near the only safe landing point, will host four operating positions plus
these antennas:
160m: one or two element verticals. 80m CW, 40m, and 30m: 4-squares. 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10m:
 2-element vertical dipole arrays.
6m: 5-el Yagi (we will try vertical polarization).
The east site also contains our sleeping tents and eating/relaxing area. With the exception
 of the narrow 160m and 30m bands, the large separation between sites should permit us to
put two stations on any LF/HF band. The actual hour-by-hour allocation of stations to
bands/modes depends on:
propagation: priority given to "edge" bands with the most difficult propagation.
geographical balance: priority given parts of the world
under-represented in QSOs made to date on a particular band-mode.
mode balance: priority given to modes under-represented in QSOs made to date during band's
opening with a particular region.
Low band receiving antennas will be midway between the east and west sites. These will be
reversible beverage arrays, with each antenna split out into a separate 160m, 80m CW and
75m output (W3LPL bandpass filters). The low band operators can choose their listening
antenna independently via a remote controlled switching up. DX Engineering pre-amps boost
the signal from the selected antenna before it travels down the long coax run (750m) to
the operator's K3 radio. The pre-amps are protected from the low band
transmit signals through a combination of bandpass filters, custom notch filters
(for example, to reject the 80m CW transmitter on the 75m SSB operator's antenna),
physical separation from the transmit antennas, and other measures. A sketch of the site
layout will be posted to the website shortly.
73 Carsten, DL6LAU and Eric, K3NA


Additional information