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4S   SRI LANKA (Top-Band)
     Nelson, 4S7NE, has been quite active on 160 meters lately. Activity seems to start around
     1930z.It has been reported that Nelson intends to listen daily for NA stations at 0000z
     which is about 30 minutes before his sunrise. He will be transmitting on 1826 kHz. He will
     also be active around 2200z most days for EC sunset. If Nelson is not on the Top-Band,
     check 80 or 40 meters. Nelson is using a "T" vertical with a 50 foot vertical section and
     approximately 20 radials. He lives in a rural location and has no man-made noise, so his
     receive capabilities are excellent.
     Jacques, F6HMJ, will be active as 6W/F6HMJ until January 29th. Activity is usually
     on 80-10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY. He will use an IC-706 MKIIG and HF9V.
                                                                    QSL via his home callsign.

6W   Peter, HA3AUI, се завръща  в Африка. Ще е активен в свободното си време с инициал 6W2SC
     (от Сенегал) и J5UAP  (от Гвинея-Бисау) до 15 април.Неговите планове са да работи предимно
     на цифровите видове работа и на SSB.Ще активен на всички HF обхвати включително и 6 метра
     от 6W и на 30 до 10 метра от J5.                                         QSL via HA3AUI.

     Andrew, G7COD, за четвърти път ще работи с инициал  8Q7AK от Embudu isl,South Male Atoll,
     Малдивски о-вИ (AS-013),  до 2 февруари. Той планира да работи предимно на SSB и по малко
     на CW на 40-12 м, обикновено от 9-11 UTC, 14-16 UTC и 18-18.30 UTC.Ориентировъчни честоти
     на които може да го търсите са 7093, 10123, 14147, 18133, 21253 and 24953 kHz (+/- 10 kHz).
                                                         QSL via G7COD, direct or by the bureau.

     Zrinko (Zik), VE3ZIK, will be once again active from Bilice, between January 27th and
     February 1st. Activity will be mostly during the evening hours on 40/30/20 meters, CW and
     Digital modes (RTTY, PSK31 and PSK63).             QSL E-mail requests at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
                                                                 QSL via DO7ZZ, DARC bureau OK.
     Udo, DL9HCU, работи с инициал C21HC от Науру (OC-031) . След това ще  завърне в
     Западни Кирибати и от там ще работи с инициал T30HC.
                                                                            QSL via home call.

     George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7HY will be QRV as C6AGU from Rum Cay, IOTA NA-001, during both
     the CQ WW 160 Meter CW contest and the upcoming ARRL DX CW contest.  They are also active
      before and after each contest.                           QSL via operators' instructions.

     Svein, LA6IKA will be QRV as CE0Z/LA6IKA  until January 29.  Activity will be on 20, 15
     and 10 meters using CW and PSK.                                        QSL to home call.

     Special event callsign HG550REX is QRV until the end of 2008 to commemorate
     ''Renaissance Year 2008'' and to remember the ascension of the throne of the most popular
     king Matthias Corvinus that occurred 550 years ago.                       QSL via HA5GY.

     Ray, WQ7R will be QRV as HQ9R from Roatan Island, IOTA NA-057, in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW
     contest.  Before and after the contest he is active as HR9/WQ7R.QSL both calls via K5WW.

     Това антарктическo лято "може би представлява последен шанс да се работи с немската полярна
     станция Neumayer II" - събщава Felix, DL5XL.
     През февруари 2009 година е запланирано нейното закриване,а състава на групата която ще
     зимува през 2008 няма радиолюбители.Сега намиращите се там трима радиолюбители (Mirko/DG9BHQ,
     Torsten/DL1TOG и сам Felix/DL5XL) ще напуснат станцията около 10 март.В момента те са активни
     с инициал DP0GVN през своето свободно време, обикновено между 18 UTC и 22 UTC на 20, 30 или
     40 м.Ако сте работили с тази станция може да проверите дали сте записан в дневника:
     http://www.rrdxa.eu/log                                                       QSL via DL5EBE.

FT   Gildas, TU5KG, е заминал в южната част на Индийския океан на риболов.Неговите нови
     инициали са FT5XR (Кергелен) и FT5WN (Крозе). Неговия кораб ще лови риба в райиона
     на тези острови и засега не е напълно ясно дали ще успее да акостира на брега и да
     работи от там или ще се ограничи с  работата си от кораба като /ММ.      QSL via F4EFI.

      Bill, W5SJ is QRV as J79SJ until January 29 using mostly CW. He also plans to be an
      entry in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW contest.                                QSL via W5FO.
     Maria Teresa, JW/IN3TCH, (RTTY) и Mauro, JW/IN3SAU, (SSB) ще работят от клубната станция
     JW5E в Longyearbyen (EU-026), Шпицберген, от 26 януари до 3 февруари.     QSL via IN3SAU.

     Tip/N4SIA (KG4AS via N4SIA) informs OPDX that he and Bill/W4WV (KG4WV via W4WV), Stu/K4MIL
     (KG4SS via K4MIL) and Emmett/KD4OS (KG4OS via KD4OS) will be going to GTMO and arriving on
     January 29th. They will stay for 2 weeks. The team will be erecting a new Force 12 and a
     new windom antenna, plus make some repairs to other equipment. They plan to be on the air
     on all bands. They are hoping to have a special event station up on "Marine Hill" with the
     callsign KG4DD.             
     Оператoрите на Balkan Contest Club от 1 януари до 31 март ще работят с инициал
     LZ130LO , послучай 130 години от края на руско-турската война, довела Освобождение
     на Българите от робство и създаване на Княжество България.
     По този случай е учредена диплома - условията вижте в qrz.com (LZ130LO).
                                                                            QSL via LZ1KZА.
     In celebration of the Millennium of the death of Notger Prince-Eveque, the founder of
     the Principality of Liege, special event callsign ON1000NOTGER is active on all HF bands
     using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK until December 31.                     QSL direct via ON6DP.

     Operators George/K8GG, Gary/KD9SV and George/ W8UVZ will be operating from Bonaire (SA-006)
     as PJ4/homecall from January 31st to February 8th. Operating time will be concentrated
     on 160 meters, 80 meters and the 30/17/12 meters bands.        QSL via operator's home QTH.

     John, KX7YT, ще е активе през свободното си време от Дакка, до 11 март.Той се надява да
     получи своя стар инициал S21YV и ще работи  на  SSB, PSK31 и RTTY, и помалко на SSTV и CW.
     Гласи се да участва в CQ WW WPX RTTY и ARRL SSB DX Contest.                 QSL via KX7YT.

     Members of the Turkish group called SWAT (Special Wireless Activity Team) will be active as
     TC800NH to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Turkish folk hero Nasreddin Hoca.
     Activity will be mainly on 40/20/17 meters, CW and SSB. Detailed info is available at:
      Phil, TT8PK has been QRV on 20 meters SSB around 2100 to 2200z.            QSL via F4EGS.

     Yoshitake, JJ8DEN, is now active from Adamstown as VP6PR between now until February 9th.
     Activity will be on all HF bands, using CW, RTTY and PSK (NO SSB!). The following are
     suggested frequencies:
                           CW   - 1821, 3503, 7003, 10103, 14003, 18071, 21003, 24893 and 28003
                           RTTY - 14083, 18103, 21083, 24923 and 28083
                           PSK  - 14071, 18101, 21071, 24921 and 28071 kHz
     His equipment is an IC-7000 w/100w, using a 160/80m Inverted-L or full size DP, 40m GP,
     30m DP and a beam for 20/17/15/12/10m.
                                                                         QSL via JJ8DEN, direct to:
                        Yoshitake Izumi, 7 Minami-24 Nishi-1 Obihiro-city, Hokkaido 080-0011 JAPAN.
     Please send a SASE with 2 USDs or 1 IRC. Yoshitake requests that the envelope be 162mm X 114mm
     or more. If a small envelope is sent, he will return the QSL card by surface mail (ship mail).
                                                       See the information for VP6PR on (QRZ.com).

     Dave, G1OCN (VP8CLE), и Carol, 2E1DQZ (VP8DKW) , ще са активни от различни места на
     Фолклъндските о-ви (SA-002)  до 2 февруари.  Ще работят на SSB - около следните честоти :
     +/- 3740, 7055, 14335,18150, 21360 и 28940 kHz, на FM ще използват спътниците AO-51 и SO-50.
                            QSL only direct: P.O. Box 2, Weymouth, Dorset DT4  4AP, England, UK.

     Lars, MM0DWF, will be active as VP8DIF from the old whaling station Husvik between January 27th
     and February 28th. He is expected to arrive in Husvik around January 26th and will leave the
     island on March 1st. Activity will be limited to his spare time. According to his Web page,
     15 meters will be his main band, but he will have access to most HF bands.
     Visit his interesting Web page at:   http://www.lars-boehme.de/vp8dif/index.html
                                                           QSL via DJ9ZB, direct or by the bureau.
ZK2 Niue Isl.
    VK3APM (ex VK3KIE), Phil McGill, is back on Niue Island for the next year or so and
    has been QRV as ZK2PM. He says he has a 1/4 monopole on tin roof for 20 meters,
    ATU on 1/4 for other bands, a 15 meter and 20 meter dipole, 2m/70cm 6m monopoles.
    After the cyclone season more will be made. Phil has an IC706 and small amplifier.
    He can sometime be found on the ANZA net on 14183.                          QSL via VK3APM. 
Island activities:
AS-150  Tianheng isl
        BY4JN/4 ще е активен от о-в Tianheng (AS-150) между 25-28 януари.
        Ще работи на обхватите от 80 до 15 м SSB и CW.        QSL via BG4JUU.

EU-175 Faial isl
        CU8AS и HB9CRV (CT3FN) ще работят с инициал CU7T от Cedros, о-в Faial,
        от 31 януари до 5 февруари.Те работят  на CW, RTTY и PSK31.
                                                              QSL via CT1GFK.

        Bill, W5SJ, ще работи с инициал J79SJ от Доминика (NA-101) до 2 февруари,
        като неговата основна цел е да работи в CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest.
        През останалото време ще работи предимно на низкочестотните обхвати.
                                                                 QSL via W5FO.
        Seth, SM7XBI, отново ще работи с инициал J79XBI от Доминика от 26 януари
        до 3 март.Планира да работи на всички обхвати на SSB.
                                                            QSL via home call.
NA-007  Southampton isl
        Mike, VE2XB, ще работи с инициал VE2XB/VY0 от о-в Southampton (NA-007)
        през следващите няколко месеца.Ще е активен на CW и SSB на 40,30 и 20 м
        през свободното си време.                           QSL via home call.

NA-076  Cedar Key
        Wade, AA8LL, will be active as AA8LL/4 from Cedar Key, FL, February 2-5th.
        Activity will be holiday style on 40-15 meters, mostly CW on the IOTA
        frequencies and RTTY. He will try to get Liz/K8LIZ/4 (his XYL) to operate
        some SSB. QSL direct or by the bureau to AA8LL. Logs will also be
        uploaded to the LoTW
Belgian Radio Amateurs may soon get 500 kHz band

The Belgian National Society website indicates that Belgian Radio Amateurs may soon get access
to a band at 500 kHz.
The Nederlands version of the Royal National Society of Belgian Radio Amateurs (UBA) website
reports a meeting on 9th January with the Ministry of Defence (current user of 500 kHz).
Following the meeting it appears that the regulator, the Belgian Institute for Postal
services & Telecommunications (BIPT), indicated that Amateurs holding the "Full" licence (HAREC)
would be permitted 501 to 504 kHz (as in the United Kingdom) on a secondary basis with a power
limit of 5 watts ERP CW (substantially higher than the UK limit of 0.1 watts).
It is expected that the BIPT will shortly make a formal announcement on its website.
The Royal National Society of Belgian Radio Amateurs (UBA) http://www.uba.be/
Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications (BIPT) http://www.bipt.be/

Keyboard Modes for the 500 kHz band

John W1TAG has a useful webpage describing keyboard modes for use on the 500 kHz (600 metres) band.
The page has descriptions and spectragrams of tests carried out on 500 kHz during November and
December 2007 using 16 different data modes.
Keyboard Modes for 600 Meters
To celebrate the Millenium of the death of Notger 1er, Prince-Eveque (930-1008), the founder of
the Principality of Liege, the UBA Section LGE (Liege) will be active on the HF bands between
January 17th and December 31st (2008), with the special callsign ON1000NOTGER. The UBA Section
LGE members will be active on HF bands on SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK. A special double QSL will be
printed. QSL via Bureau to ON5VL or direct to ON6DP (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).




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